Extbase Variable Dump
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResultprototypeobject (2 items)
   0 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Groupprototypepersistent entity (uid=20, pid=195)
      title => protected'Allgemeines' (11 chars)
      faq => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (3 items)
         000000002ef0909f000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=173)
            title => protected'Was heißt Verbundlinien? [EN]' (30 chars)
            contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty)
            sorting => protected'' (0 chars)
            uid => protected27 (integer)
            _localizedUid => protected128 (integer)modified
            _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified
            _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified
            pid => protected173 (integer)
         000000002ef09183000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=29, pid=173)
            title => protected'Welche Ausnahmen gibt es, welche Linien sind nicht dabei?' (57 chars)
            contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items)
               000000002ef093be000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=968, pid=173)
                  crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T21:29:14+02:00, 1648841354)
                  tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T21:29:14+02:00, 1648841354)
                  CType => protectedNULL
                  header => protected'' (0 chars)
                  headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars)
                  bodytext => protected'<p>Folgende Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in der Region gehören nicht zum VOR
                      und akzeptieren weder Jugendtickets noch Top-Jugendtickets:</p> <ul> <li>
                     Flughafenbusse</li> <li>CAT</li> <li>WESTbahn und WESTbusse</li> <li>Buss
                     e die extra bestellt werden (z.B. Transport für Internatsschülerinnen und
                     -schüler von A nach B)</li> <li>Touristische Angebote (z.B. Wachaubahn, Sc
                     hneebergbahn, etc.)</li> </ul>
' (410 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected968 (integer) _localizedUid => protected968 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected968 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
sorting => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected29 (integer) _localizedUid => protected29 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected29 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
000000002ef09186000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=40, pid=173) title => protected'Wo ist die genaue Grenze NÖ bzw. BGLD zu OÖ bzw. Steiermark?' (62 chars) contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000002ef093d2000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=980, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T21:33:20+02:00, 1648841600) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T21:33:20+02:00, 1648841600) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Das Jugend- und Top-Jugendticket gilt ausschließlich in Wien, Niederöst
                     erreich und dem Burgenland. Bei verbundüberschreitenden Fahrten über die B
                     undeslandgrenzen dieser Bundesländer hinaus, ist ab dem letzten fahrplanmä
                     ßigen Halt innerhalb des Gebietes ein zusätzlicher Fahrausweis zu lösen.<
' (307 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected980 (integer) _localizedUid => protected980 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected980 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
sorting => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected40 (integer) _localizedUid => protected40 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected40 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
uid => protected20 (integer) _localizedUid => protected21 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected20 (integer)modified pid => protected195 (integer)
1 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Groupprototypepersistent entity (uid=22, pid=195) title => protected'COVID-19 und der öffentliche Verkehr' (37 chars) faq => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (3 items) 000000002ef09163000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=173) title => protected'Muss der Mindestabstand von 2 Meter weiterhin eingehalten werden?' (65 chars) contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000002ef0934c000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=207, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-02-25T12:10:48+01:00, 1645787448) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T20:51:50+02:00, 1648839110) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Diese Regelung wurde mit 1.7.2021 von der Bundesregierung aufgehoben. Hal
                     ten Sie jedoch wenn möglich trotzdem einen Abstand zu anderen Mitreisenden.
' (156 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected207 (integer) _localizedUid => protected207 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected207 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
sorting => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
000000002ef0919d000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=2, pid=173) title => protected'Muss ich in den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln eine Maske tragen?' (64 chars) contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 000000002ef093d6000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=206, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-02-25T12:08:51+01:00, 1645787331) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-05-31T11:58:36+02:00, 1653991116) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Ab dem 1.6.2022 gilt die FFP2-Maskenpflicht nur noch in öffentlichen Ver
                     kehrsmittel in Wien. In Niederösterreich und Burgenland gilt ab dem 1.6.202
                     2 keine Maskenpflicht mehr. Ausgenommen von der Maskenpflicht in Wien sind:&
                     nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>Die FFP2-Maskenpflicht gilt nicht für Schwangere. In d
                     iesen Fällen ist eine den Mund- und Nasenbereich abdeckende und enganliegen
                     de mechanische Schutzvorrichtung zu tragen.</li> <li>Kinder unter sechs Jah
                     ren sind von der Maskenpflicht in den Öffis ausgenommen.</li> <li>Kinder a
                     b dem vollendeten sechsten Lebensjahr bis zum vollendeten 14. Lebensjahr dü
                     rfen statt der FFP2-Maske einenMund- und Nasenschutz tragen, der abdeckend u
                     nd eng anliegend sein muss.</li> <li>Personen, denen das Tragen einer FFP2-
                     Maske oder eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes aus gesundheitlichen oder behinderungss
                     pezifischen Gründen nicht zugemutet werden kann (z.B. Menschen mit chronisc
                     hen Atemwegserkrankungen, Angststörungen oder fortgeschrittener Demenz), si
                     nd von der Maskenpflicht in den Öffis ausgenommen.</li> </ul>
' (1050 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected206 (integer) _localizedUid => protected206 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected206 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
000000002ef0930e000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=210, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-02-28T15:18:27+01:00, 1646057907) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-05-31T11:58:36+02:00, 1653991116) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Wer aus gesundheitlichen oder behinderungsspezifischen Gründen vom Mund-
                     Nasen-Schutz befreit ist, muss ein ärztliches Attest von einem in Österrei
                     ch oder im EWR niedergelassenen Arzt vorweisen.</p>
' (203 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected210 (integer) _localizedUid => protected210 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected210 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
sorting => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected2 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
000000002ef09168000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\Faqprototypepersistent entity (uid=3, pid=173) title => protected'Was muss ich vorweisen, wenn ich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen keine Maske t
               ragen kann?
' (87 chars) contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 000000002ef0934b000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=938, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T20:52:24+02:00, 1648839144) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T20:52:24+02:00, 1648839144) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'<p>Wer aus gesundheitlichen oder behinderungsspezifischen Gründen vom Mund-
                     Nasen-Schutz befreit ist, muss ein ärztliches Attest von einem in Österrei
                     ch oder im EWR niedergelassenen Arzt vorweisen.</p>
' (203 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected938 (integer) _localizedUid => protected938 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected938 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
000000002ef08cea000000000be91672 => FONDA\FFaq\Domain\Model\TtContentprototypepersistent entity (uid=939, pid=173) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T20:52:24+02:00, 1648839144) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-04-01T20:52:24+02:00, 1648839144) CType => protectedNULL header => protected'' (0 chars) headerPosition => protected'' (0 chars) bodytext => protected'' (0 chars) colPos => protectedNULL image => protected'0' (1 chars) imagewidth => protected0 (integer) imageorient => protected0 (integer) imagecaption => protectedNULL imagecols => protected1 (integer) imageborder => protected0 (integer) media => protected'0' (1 chars) layout => protected'0' (1 chars) cols => protected0 (integer) subheader => protected'' (0 chars) headerLink => protected'' (0 chars) imageLink => protectedNULL imageZoom => protected'0' (1 chars) altText => protectedNULL titleText => protectedNULL headerLayout => protected'0' (1 chars) listType => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected939 (integer) _localizedUid => protected939 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected939 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
sorting => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected3 (integer) _localizedUid => protected3 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected3 (integer)modified pid => protected173 (integer)
uid => protected22 (integer) _localizedUid => protected22 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected22 (integer)modified pid => protected195 (integer)
Häufige Fragen (FAQ) | Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region

VOR-Ticketshop Maintenance

Please be aware that the VOR-Ticketshop will be unavailable on
May 9th from 8pm to 4am.
This maintenance is necessary due security updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

VOR-Ticketshop Maintenance

The VOR-Ticketshop is currently down for security maintenance until
Please download the latest version of the AnachB App afterwards.

Thank you for your patience.